After futurism Manifesto 21

from IEET  Institute for Ethics an Emergency Technologies

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Alter futurism Manifesto 21

Pedro Villanueva
By Pedro Villanueva
Ethical Technology 

Posted: Nov 7, 2016
Neo Futurism is a movement of the 21st century and developed in the area of design, Urbanism and architecture. This movement could be seen as a deviation from the postmodern attitude. Neo Futurism represents an idealistic belief in the future better. We can read The Neo Futuristic City Manifesto written by Vito di Bari.
Artists, urban planners, designers and architects Neo Futuristic thought in the creation of new cities with policies of eco sustainability, the development of new materials and new technologies to provide a better quality of life for the inhabitants. The vision of the future applied science and technology to reduce poverty, diseases, pollution and malnutrition. The futuristic vision actively assesses potential future technologies and innovative social systems to improve the quality of life of the human being.
However, I believe that Neo Futurism has a monolithic concept and once again clings to the time of the great narratives as the modernity of the 20th century. Neo Futurism does not fit much with the social and geographical reality of the world. I am a defender of the futuristic vision and for the futuristic vision to be more practical and applicable to social and geographical reality that the Neo Futurism. I think about a new concept including the Other, Alter and hence would be called Alter Futurism.