The Koran's prohibition of the reppresentation of the human figure-really of only secondary importance in the context of the Bedouin civilisation in which it was pronounced - profoundly influenced the entire development of Islamic art. With figurative panel and fresco painting artist was left with abstract decorative design, including geomteric, calligraphic and floral styles. These were brought to levels of exquisite refinement in Islamic art, and centuries of study led to a success of motifs utilizing original or borrowed harmonic, rythmic and chromatic patterns. Figurative art made quiet appearance in the highly specialized miniatures that flourishing in Persia for many centuries after Islamic conquest, and continued in India during the Moghul age. However it was a courtly, almost clandestine, form of art, exclusively for the enjoyment of kinds nd princes: miniatures were used to illustrate books of epic romantic poetry, with subject matter that was iconoclastic crusades condemning books and poems to fire.
Casalino Pierluigi, on September, 2nd , 2014