[SRI] Astronism, and Space Renaissance

Da: space-renaissance-initiative  per conto di Adriano V. Autino, SRI, President  

After a quite interesting conversation between myself and Brandon Reece Taylorian – the Cometan – we followed up trying to understand how the Space Renaissance and Astronism can work together, synergizing and even amalgamating their main concepts, for the sake of raising the Space Renaissance in the whole society. Space Renaissance is a highly humanist philosophy, having humanity expansion into outer space as the main goal, both an urgent need and a long time strategic scope.
Astronism is the seed of a new religion. Not a theist religion, based on unprovable dogmas. Maybe a religion in its deepest original meaning, from latin 'religere' = 'unifying'. Yes, since realizing this fundamental evolutionary step – bootstrapping a solar civilization – requires to put together the best forces humanity ever has put together: fair competition, collaboration, sharing of ideas, concepts, efforts. In the awareness that this is the greatest challenge our civilization ever dared to face and win. Shouldn't we see that as a kind of new religion?

Religions, historically, have played a role of great motivator and support of human projectuality, giving us the spiritual dimension of our being sentient and self-aware beings. Cometan is suggesting Astronism, the laicist religion (=union) that we humans need, in the current critical age, to be reassured and reinforced in our highest evolutionary purpose. Expanding and settling into the Geo-Lunar Region, and then Mars, the Asteroids Belt, Jupiter's Moons and beyond.Please check this short article, that Cometan wrote for SRI, to present his religious view, Astronism: Heading Starward & the Astronomical Beliefs of Cometan.
As a broad, universal and fully inclusive religion, Astronism, as well as our astronautic humanist philosophy (base of the Space Renaissance), don't require anybody to reject their personal creeds and ideological beliefs. Cultural diversity and exchange is our best practice. We only hope that all of our new friends and fellows, brothers and sisters in this new union, will cross-fertilize their own communities with our shared concepts and goals, bringing back to our broad community, in exchange, their best humanist concepts.

Adriano V. Autino