[SRI] ARTEMIS I launch and pre-launch comments, by Space Renaissance and EuroMoonMars

Da: space-renaissance-initiative  per conto di Adriano V. Autino, SRI, Founder <adriano.autino@gmail.com>
Dear SRI Friends and Supporters,

Monday August 29, at 8:33am US EDT (12:33 UTC) an historical mission will launch from Kennedy Space Center.
ARTEMIS I is expected to reach the Moon orbit, to release some payloads and return to Earth.
Space Renaissance will follow the launch with two live events.
During the first livestream – the 28 August, in collaboration with EuroMoonMars – we will give some information about the main goals of the Artemis and SLS programs, and what Artemis 1 will actually bring to the Moon.
We will also briefly discuss what Artemis 1 represents, in this critical period of transition from traditional aerospace to the new space paradigm.
The panel, starting 12:00 UTC, includes:
  • Serena Crotti – Moderator
  • Bernard Foing – Artemis program overview
  • Cole Armagost – Artemis 1 Payloads and goals
  • Kete Rok – Space Launch System (SLS), launch and mission profile
  • Adriano V. Autino – What does Artemis mean for Civilian Space Development?
  • Gautam Kiran – What does Artemis mean for young explorers?

Other guests will take part to the discussion.

Here's the link to follow the livestream on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel:

The second livestream, 29 August, will follow and comment the launch live:


During both the livestreams, our experts will reply to the attendees questions, in the live chat.
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