Dinamismo X - Rita Stanzione interview

Dinanimismo 2009- 2019,AA.VV.,by Zairo Ferrante e Roby Guerra (Asino Rosso eBook, 2019)

Rita Stanzione Interview (Author)  english version

Poetry like Doing Soul in the computer age?
To Make Soul poetry has been able to adapt to the digital world. Enlarged daily by a myriad of voices, enjoyed as a reality immediately reachable, read, downloaded, archived and traceable with a click. Perhaps so much speed and abundance penalizes that breath of time that should be dedicated to the deep reading of a text or a collection, risking to transform even the poetry in a superficial experience soon forgotten. On the other hand, with the age of the computer, it was possible to meet deserving authors who would otherwise not be disclosed, to discover themes and stylistic figures close to personal inclinations and also to orient oneself in the expansion of one's own library, whether material or virtual.

An autobiographical zoom?
I started to write, without having previously precise intention, in relatively recent times. It was a moment when I felt the need to collect and preserve sharp and strong images, to give details to light. Passion has grown and since then I have not stopped grasping the moment, fixing the thought: sensations, memories, observations and visions otherwise lost in vague places of memory, perhaps never recovered again. I believe that poetry should allow a margin of imagination, like a shadow or white line, take different (and complementary) paths depending on the reader, end up in atmospheres that perhaps were not completely obvious at the time of creation, provided that these atmospheres do not stray too far from the origins.  

Dynamism, your personal vision?
For me, dynamism is a poetic flow that addresses the consciences, a collective voice on the need to keep high the sensitivity towards phenomena that concern man, nature, society. An evolving message, with the basic principle of seeking beauty and rebelling against ugliness and obscurantism.

How do you imagine the future of poetry?
Poetry is a necessity, as are all the arts. It is able to intersect imagination and reality, resulting in a special awareness of depth. It will always have performers and connoisseurs, so it can only continue its course, perhaps in renewed forms compared to traditional canons, closer to prose. 

Something that does not abandon you?
A thought that bothers me is that of chronological time that does not allow itself to be shaped by needs, with the consequent transience of the precious moments experienced. A dream would be to domesticate it to the inner time, to make it a sort of sculpture that does not allow itself to be damaged by the alternations, by the galloping seasons. Perhaps this obsession has been one of the major drives for me to undertake the path of poetry.

Biographical note

Rita Stanzione, born in Pagani, currently resides in Roccapiemonte (SA). She spent seven years in Milan, where she began working as a teacher in primary school, which still continues with the specialization for disability. He continued his studies in the field of Agricultural Sciences.

She dedicates herself to writing poems, including short metric compositions (haiku, tanka, Petit-Onze and more). He recently started writing short stories and took part in a forthcoming collective novel. He publishes his texts on several literary sites and is part, together with other authors, of the poetry blog Comelacquasuisassi.

http://ritastanzione.scrivere.info/   https://www.facebook.com/rita.stanzione

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator