Dinanimismo X - Roberto Collari interview, writer and singer

*Dinanimismo 2009-2019 by Zairo Ferrante and  Roberto Guerra (AA.VV.)
Asino Rosso eBook

Roberto Collari interview (Author)

Poetry how to make soul in the computer age? I think poetry as well as any other form of art, a continuum of the soul itself. It is a way for the artist to transpose part of himself into his own art: Poetry is, albeit in small parts, soul. Considering it today in the age of computers...well, I often think it is devoid of content, a mirror of the individualism we live in. This happens because the stunning of the masses with the advent of technologies has been and is such as to distort people; you are unable to travel within your own self. I love to quote the tenor Caruso, who in my opinion, with one of his phrases, already represented the juice of our daily lives: "Life brings me much suffering. Those who have never felt anything cannot sing.

A biographical zoom? I was born in Nuoro, grew up with my brothers under the care of our mother who made us, as far as possible, even a father figure. Despite my young age, I was led by the events of life to mature earlier. The experience that marked my childhood was the various attempts at murder by my biological father against my mother, under the eyes of us children still children, plus his total absence as a father figure. Such events obviously conditioned in some way the person I am today, leading me to be more airtight and reflective, perhaps even more mature than the boys of my generation ... All this I think has served to turn a few steps of a path that will be a lifetime long, towards introspection. I have to cultivate my art of singing and music in its variants.

Dynamism is your personal vision?  In the literary field of Dynanimism, together with a few other literary movements and magazines, it represents a small glimmer of light, in a period like the present one, characterized by a deep obscurantism, almost medieval I would say... It therefore represents the hope of being able to realize, or rather to shape with art, a new world, to the detriment of the real, now drawn into degradation.

The Future of Poetry: Currently I believe that poetry, like all the arts, is going through a period of strong identity crisis. Just think of the almost total lack of content that characterizes them today. I see a future for the arts in its entirety by educating the masses... Bringing a new humanism, educating man and distancing him from the idea of the "thought of a flock". Only in this way do I think that everyone can find himself again, I ergo to give more content to what is done every day. Only in this way can we offer more depth to our art by eliminating the futility that is increasingly present in our day. If this is not the case, I don't see why I still have to do poetry.

by Roberto Guerra

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator


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