
by Adriano V. Autino


The COVID19 global crisis is dramatically real. All of our old diatribes are bullshit, now.

But different communities will try to use the crisis to confirm their ideologies, and use it to claim a confirmation of their recipes for "saving the planet".

Radical ecologists will argue that humanity has abused the resources of this planet, and now it is time for de-growth. They could be right in their analysis, but they are utterly wrong in their (pre-Copernican) conclusion.

Coercive authoritarians -- both "socialist" and fascist -- will find new arguments to promote new dictatorships.

Extreme libertarians will promote a strategy based on "close the doors and every man for himself".

Many, even inside the space community, will argue that we should "solve problems on Earth, before going to space".

All of these people will emphasize that space is not a priority.

However, Covid19 makes extremely clear that a closed civilization confined to Planet Earth is at high risk of implosion.

Beginning to expand beyond the Earth must be seen as a top priority. There's no such thing as "solving our problems on Earth before going to space". Only expanding into space can provide viable long-term solutions for our problems on Earth, including environmental ones.

Civilian space development has the potential to provide great abundance of resources in the Solar System.

That's why any attempt to use the current crisis (and the next ones) to promote "solving problems on Earth" before or instead of expanding into space must be firmly opposed.

We are perfectly aware that all the social issues existing on Earth will be exported into space. But the immense abundance of resources of the Solar System can in the future mitigate social problems.

In space there will be enough room for free development and different social models. Socialists will have an opportunity to finally socialize wealth (instead of poverty). Capitalists will have an opportunity for a finally fair competition. Environmentalists will, in due time, enjoy a sustainable Earth transformed in a beautiful garden.

[English language review: Giulio Prisco]



SRI has great news!

SRI kicked off a big programme of re-organization.

We restructured and redesigned the SRI main website. We centralized the membership system, and halved the yearly fees, in order to allow thousands old and new space activists and supporters to join us and contribute to develop the SRI capabilities and visibility world wide.

We reflected on our specific role: who we are, why we exist, what we do and how we do it, what we offer in exchange of membership, what we ask to our volunteers. And tried to communicate our mission as simply as possible.

Often we had good willing people available to collaborate, but we weren't able to coordinate their efforts. We have now an online questionnaire, to allow volunteers to specify what they are available to do with us. New directors joined the SRI Board, bringing relevant skills, know how and different capabilities, to improve our organizational capabilities.

And now, joining SRI, people will get access to a (growing) number of pages, reserved to SRI Members. Namely

-   Jobs in space industry 

-   Internships in space industry and academic world

And soon it will be available a wide program of Mentorship, to assist graduating students and just-graduated choosing themes and curricula for their studies, oriented to Civilian Space Development.

Last, but not least, SRI will launch soon the Medici Fund programme. Stay tuned!


The Civilian Space Protocol initiative


Space Renaissance International (SRI) is a proud co-host, together with other Space Advocacy organizations, in a worldwide campaign, named "The Civilian Space Protocol" (CSP). Please check it here: https://civilianspaceprotocol.space/

A letter, including the text of the Civilian Space Protocol, will be sent to all of the Planet Earth's Governments, and to the United Nations, recommending a better expenditure of the public money, to support civilian space development.

Every space advocacy organization of Planet Earth is invited to co-host – inter pares – this important initiative, that could represent an epochal event in the history, allowing the whole space community to speak with one voice, about the very urgent need to support the expansion of civilization in the outer space.

Here it is possible to subscribe as a co-host of the Civilian Space Protocol: https://civilianspaceprotocol.space/join-the-civilian-space-protocol/

Are you a space enthusiast? Are you willing to help Space Renaissance in our outreach continuous action and to develop our next programs?

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Also, you might be interested to the book "A greater world is possible: The expansion of civilization beyond the limits of our home planet is the moral issue of our time", available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/greater-world-possible-expansion-civilization/dp/1727889924

Visit the Space Renaissance websites:


To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/space-renaissance-initiative/1d12b3f2-87a1-4f5b-9d16-b002f4917a3a%40googlegroups.com.