Transhumanism, a solution against the God of Health!

by Roby Guerra

Click on Google lately the word Transhumanism, let's say in an exponential series since the beginning of the pandemic; indexations always relative and probably manipulated (other than real web audience) by some relative strong powers (look at them, all passatists and real enemies of technology and real science...), paid sponsors of the so-called free audience indexations. Surely the Vatican, the globalist and genderist European Union, the Finance behind the scenes true moloch of the economy, the Arab-Muslims... and Google is contaminated for mere business, but be clear are already pathological dynamics shared socially and in-civilized even in the West adrift.
Well a few lines to get it over with these fakenews about Transhumanism.
The insane speak, prey at least of Frankenstein Complex, of New World Order, Genderism (including wombs for rent and other psychosocial perversions) of dehumanization, of Transhumanism as technocracy of our time and tomorrow. Bullshit, since dehumanization, pseudoscientific technocracy, and all this waffle is already the real world, created by the same: Vatican, Finance Moloch (including Chinese and Muslim ...), European Union mixed with other crazy pseudo-religious groups swarming on the web.
The real transhumanism, its decades-old theorists and contemporaries, from Elon Musk himself to Raymond Kurzwel, to Aubrey de Grey, to the Italians Riccardo Campa and Giulio Prisco, the same Max More, Zoltan Istvan, Valerja Pride, Marthine Rothblatt, to many others (even if well known in the web and transparently, but usual passatists, including many journalists and intellectuals, pretend not to know the decades-old information) was and is a revolutionary humanism (or post) scientific, paradigm in conflict and by force (since they are the nodes of the worst past taken literally as the conservative or progressive themselves alienated) that hinder the true scientific social evolution of late technological societies, let alone those neoprimitive in Africa or Asia itself!
That is to say Religion (not reformatted like De Chardin), Art ( after Marinetti or Stanley Kubrick..), Philosophy (d after Nietzsche, Freud, Einstein, Norbert Wiener, Steve Jobs, Popper, Feyarabend, Julian Huley...original promoter of Transhumanism and Scientific Humanism itself) and many other brilliant social scientists...transhumanist or not.
If there was a scientific society and true transhumanist evolved, virus and pandemic would have already been defeated: further, if in the past decades the multinationals and governments had invested on Cryonics and Health, instead of ignoring if not fighting the future, the pandemic itself would have been at least stopped in the bud.
Instead, Western governments etc. (Vaccines effective only in a few nations-U.S.-Britain-Israel, etc., many states in incredible slowness), dangerous virus anyway, still paleomodern in substance, after one year, have transformed the Virus in a God of Health, a worldwide therapeutic and undemocratic state, with economic and mental devastation in place, and millions of deaths, a second world holocaust!
Transhumanism, as even too many lunatics say, even a cult?
Transhumanism, instead, for those who are in good faith and informed, a solution against the God of Health!

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