The Oracle Day

by Pierluigi Casalino

Formed at grecolatina classical culture, I  did philosophical and political studies, deepening the political realism of ancient authors, modern and contemporary, as well as the historical and historical criticism thinking. I've explored    the Arab-Islamic world and that of non-European civilizations, from Iran to Turkey, China, Russia and Africa, also studying the phenomena of the role of the US of America. I wrote articles, essays and comments geopolitical and also wrote articles critical of art and literature. A separate chapter will examine the theme of Dante and Islam, which  I have deepened in various occasions. Read authors of different culture and nature from antiquity to the present day, the contribution of which is present in my writings. 

"Here is the new International digital book (in english) of the eclectic Pierluigi Casalino scholar, already known as a modern protagonist of the italian futurist revival. He's often wandering around the world; he mainly visited North Africa countries, France and Britain. H'is also reported as a promoter of an unexplored Arab futurism. Also Casalino, in this eBook and with post-modern style, foresees a new West, a new Mediterranean system and even a new East Europe, after the Soviet empire's fall and the rise of contemporary China in world affairs. This eBook is beyond the usual sociological and political standards and offers us a necessary cultural chromaticism perspective. So a new edge over the world blooms".

PIERLUIGI CASALINO (Laigueglia-Savona, 1949, Italy): writer and art critic, history and Islamic scholar. He has written (or writes) for "Europe"; "Il Letimbro"; "In a few lines, "Ennepilibri" blog; Asino Rosso blog,Red Ass newspaper blog"; "Riviera 24", "Imperia News Magazine" ("Understanding Islam"). Interviewed with "Il Sole 24 Ore", "Oubliette Magazine", La Notiziah24, Asino Rosso blog. He published "Il Tempo e la Memoria Time and Memory", the events of his father Michael Casalino, non-commissioned officer of the Carabinieri, during World War II. He has written of Futurism (the celebrations of the centenary an the "Manifesto" of Marinetti), of the Britidh painter William Blake. It also published "Dopo la primavera araba. Islam, donne e modernità"(The Carmelina), Arabian Futurism Contemporary (The Carmelina, eBook); AA.VV., "Al di là della destra e della sinistra" by S. Giovannini and R Guerra (The Carmelina), AA.VV., "Futurismo Renaissance" (Deleyva) by P. Bruni and R War). Care futurist and geopolitical blog "Casalino Pierluigi blog 2020".